Sunday, July 8, 2012

Borrowing car keys....

My parents are 78 and 83.  They live in Colorado and come to visit us for 4-5 weeks at a time.  I love my parents immensely and so does Ken and the girls.  Mom and Dad are here now and it has just now sunk in that I basically have 4 kids to take care of!

Sloan and Jillian both have wiggly front teeth.  Not to be outdone, Dad breaks his front tooth off eating a cheese sandwich.   Apparently 83 year old teeth just can't stand up to the Rainbow white bread and fake individually wrapped slices of cheese that Dad used for his sandwich!  I made sure he knew the tooth fairy was NOT going to leave him anything under his pillow.  There's no "double dippin" the tooth fairy at our house!

Then Mom and Dad decided they were going to take Ken's truck for a sojurn.  Is "sojurn" the word they used in their teens when they took their parents' car for a cruise?  Oh wait, they didn't have cars back then did they???  At any rate, I stood at the window and watched them get in the truck, back out, and I had a lump in my throat.  Should they still be driving?  Did Mom have her cell phone with her - and if so, did she even have it turned on?  What if they got lost finding the antique stores they wanted to find?  All of a sudden I realized that in a few short years, I would be worrying just the same way when the girls take the car.   But then, I really got sad.  Because it wouldn't be too much longer before the girls would have to start taking care of Ken and I!!!

I'm hating the fact that everyone is getting older :-(

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